uMobix vs mSpy:
Which Software Is Better?

uMobix is more feature-rich, works flawlessly on both iOS & Androids, and gives more values for its price

Comes with more features for iOS

Takes a few minutes to install, mSpy’s installation is longer and more complicated

Takes screenshots to ensure visual evidence, mSpy doesn’t

Monitors 30+ social platforms & messengers, mSpy tracks less

Provides full access to Social Media Accounts, mSpy doesn’t

Comparison Table

Check the table below to find out what makes the uMobix app a better choice to be installed on the target device.

umobix logo
mspy logo
$49.99 $59.99
In the battle uMobix vs. mSpy, the first one wins without any doubts as it offers a full pack with better service for a lower price.
Marche sans jailbreak
uMobix does not require you to jailbreak or root the device at all, while using some mSpy features, such as keylogger and social media tracking, requires it.
Configuration en 1 minute sur iOS
This is where uMobix shines. With our installation wizard, the installation on Android takes about a minute, much faster than fiddling around with mSpy. It is the case where the faster, the better.
24/7 support
If you like conversations with bots – mSpy is the best choice, but if you want real help from an experienced support agent – turn to uMobix!
Full access to Instagram and Facebook
uMobix gives full access to Insta and Facebook accounts on iPhones (follow/unfollow, block users, write DMs, etc.). This is a unique feature that has no analogs in the market. Meanwhile, mSpy cannot access Insta and FB on iOS at all.
Accès complet à WhatsApp
uMobix allows you to track even deleted messages, while mSpy only guarantees general access to the conversations.
Online status indicator
uMobix allows you to know when your object gets online with any app on Android, while mSpy doesn't.
Screenshot reporting
uMobix often takes screenshots of a person's activity to share with the user, but mSpy decided to be "not as everyone" and lacks this feature.
Stealth mode
Both apps operate in stealth mode; this is the case where apps like mSpy follow uMobix's example.
Phone activity log
With uMobix, a user can see what apps a target uses on their iPhone as soon as they are opened (apps that require an internet connection). Obviously, mSpy does not offer anything like this.
It is handy to know what people type. Although both apps have keyloggers that allow one to track every keyword, the one from uMobix is faster, more battery-friendly, and works in real time.
It is hard to imagine how one can fail such a simple thing as an online dashboard, but mSpy found a way; uMobix has a more intuitive, easier-to-navigate, and faster-to-react online dashboard.
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Revolutionary Features

Let's look at unique uMobix features that elevate it above the competition.

Accès complet à Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype sur iOS

C’est vrai, c’est une «course à pied» totale – vous pouvez saisir le compte d’une autre personne comme le vôtre et le gérer comme vous le souhaitez – veuillez faire simplement attention à ne pas laisser de traces.

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full access
Rapports de capture d'écran

Suivre tout ce que fait l'utilisateur – qu'est-ce qui peut être plus instructif? C’est comme  éplucher une autre couche de réalité où vous observez les actions d’une autre  personne à chaque seconde. En images. 😱🙈

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screenshot reporting
Indicateur d'état en ligne

uMobix informe lorsque l'utilisateur est en ligne en ajoutant l'état de l'icône verte à côté de chaque onglet particulier de votre compte.

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status indicator
Chats effacés et chiffrés

A cause de la capacité de rapport de capture d'écran, les messages autodestructeurs seront présents dans votre compte d'utilisateur même si l'utilisateur les configure pour qu'ils disparaissent. Dans l'univers d'uMobix, le terme «mode confidentiel» perd son sens.

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erased & encrypted chats

Le plus chaud 🔥 sur le marché

uMobix évolue et déploie de nouvelles fonctionnalités si rapidement que vous pouvez réellement partir et revenir après un mois assuré qu'il y aura quelque chose de fraîchement sorti du four.
Son interface conviviale et simplifiée et son support responsable reflètent leur approche centrée sur le client et leur esprit d’innovation . Dès son lancement, uMobix a aidé des milliers de personnes à protéger leurs enfants et les membres de leur famille contre différents dangers en ligne.
À partir d'aujourd'hui, uMobix est classé comme la nouvelle offre en ville ” cela va certainement renverser le scénario de la surveillance des téléphones portables.


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Je suis très satisfait de umobix .com

Le service uMobix était superbe: je voudrais savoir qui n'arrêtait pas d'appeler mon fils. Sans attendre une heure, j'avais su leurs noms, profils Facebook et numéros de téléphone portable. Il est rapide, professionnel et facile à utiliser.

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5 étoiles.

Le service top mettant définitivement votre esprit en paix. Je suis absolument soulagé que ma sœur connaisse maintenant la vérité et ne fera pas d'une grave erreur. Un grand merci à l'équipe de support amicale.

Review avatar
Il vaut chaque centime.

J'espère que je n'aurai pas besoin d'un tel programme à l'avenir, mais si je le fais, je choisirai uMobix. Il m'a aidé à collecter des preuves concernant les problèmes scolaires de ma fille très rapidement. Je ne saurais trop vous remercier tous.

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Frequently asked questions

uMobix vs. mSpy - are their features same?

Mars and Snickers are both chocolate bars, but you can hardly find a person who would choose the first one over the latter. So, the answer is yes, in essence, mSpy and uMobix have similar features, but if you dig deeper, you will find the difference.

Some uMobix features are more reliable, others work faster, while the rest perform better than mSpy. Let's take, for instance, Instagram and Facebook tracking. Both apps claim to monitor Instagram; however, uMobix guarantees full access to both OS - Android and iOS, while mSpy only tracks these on Android.

What are the main differences between uMobix and mSpy plans?

First of all, it would be pricing: uMobix costs $49.99 per month, while the subscription price for mSpy goes up to $59.99. Other options exist, namely, quarterly and yearly subscription plans, but mSpy offers are more expensive than their uMobix alternatives. Each uMobix plan offers a full pack of diverse features where only duration differs, while mSpy cuts them down and offers a complete package only in the most expensive plan.

Moreover, when you check the offer on the uMobix website, you can see a full list of all the features included, so you can be sure you get what you need. mSpy software, on its side, only mentions "includes all premium features" and does not list anything. If you pay for it and do not get the tool you want, they can simply say it is not included in the premium list.

Do both apps work without jailbreak?

In the battle mSpy vs. uMobix, the latter wins here, as uMobix doesn't require root or jailbreak. It guarantees that all the features marked on its website work without any extra tampering with the target phone. mSpy, on its side, claims that it is not necessary to jailbreak the devices to launch the tracker, although many features, such as social media tracking, become available only after this procedure. In other words, you always need to jailbreak the device because you hardly want a tracker that does not work with social networks.

Which devices is mSpy compatible with?

Well, at first glance, both parental control apps seem to have the same compatibility. Technically, you can install both trackers on Androids and iPhones, and even the installation procedure looks similar. However, if you want to monitor an iPhone with the latest iOS version installed - mSpy is not your helper here as it does not support the newest distributives. uMobix, on the contrary, works perfectly even with the latest versions, you just log into the owner's iCloud - and you are almost all set! Moreover, it does not require jailbreak, which makes remote installation a breeze.

As for Android cell phones - only manual installation is available for both trackers. uMobix, however, works with all versions issued after March 2015, while mSpy has more limited abilities.

How about mSpy vs. free apps?

Well, mSpy has nothing to offer against free apps: it is paid, and it is a fact. In its turn, uMobix offers a 48-hour trial for $1 to all its potential users, available from the support agent, while mSpy is more expensive, and those who only want to test this app at a low fee do not have such a chance.

Of course, you may find some completely free offers, but they are not safe to use: data leakage, phishing, spam - these are only some of the problems you might face if you install a free tracker. Thus, a free trial is the best option if you need to track someone but cannot afford the pay at the moment.

What about uMobix customer support? Is it good?

uMobix customer support is the best customer support in the world! Well, jokes aside, you can explain all the problems you face in the chat, and uMobix support agents will help you 24/7. The uMobix app offers help via live chat, e-mail, and even a premium phone support line for exclusive customers!

mSpy customer support is similar on paper, but in fact, it takes years to get help if a feature does not work, and should you want a refund, their agents magically disappear, covering themselves with a promise to "come back to you in the nearest future". Moreover, it is not even a real person replying to you in their support chat; they have a chatbot that replies automatically, introduced as mSpy "support agent", and we all know how irritating it can be.