Instagram Spy App
Want to see what the user is doing on Instagram? Easy! Get full access to their Instagram accounts.
Most reliable spy app.
Начните следить уже через 5 минут!
Get full access to their Instagram account and see what they're doing.
View DM that are exchanged on Instagram chat in real-time.
All messengers tracking, data updated every 5 minutes.
3 mln users have already downloaded and ranked!
Works perfectly on all iPhones and Androids.
⚡Горячая скидка! Spy with 10% off🔥
Следите за всеми действиями

Full access to their Instagram
- Enter their accounts as your own! NAVIGATE FREELY;
- Read direct messages;
- Scroll news feed;
- Monitor their followers.
No jailbreak!
uMobix is THE ONLY APP that works without rooting iPhones. If you need any help with installing uMobix — you’ll get it in a few minutes.
Обновления в реальном времени
- Get data updated every 5 minutes. For Android smartphones we offer REAL-TIME tracking.
- We take screenshots every second and deliver them to your account!
Мониторьте статус
- Track when the user is online.
- You’ll see a green dot status icon next to the Instagram tab each time the user logs in.

Spy easily in 3 steps
Выбираете подходящий план подписки. Завершаете покупку и получаете инструкцию к дальнейшим действиям на свой email.
Берете телефон или планшет, устанавливаете приложение на него, следуя инструкциям в вашем аккаунте.
Заходите в ваш аккаунт с любого браузера и ждёте, пока мы начнем загружать данные. Начинаете отслеживать.
Выбираете подходящий план подписки. Завершаете покупку и получаете инструкцию к дальнейшим действиям на свой email.
Предоставляете данные iCloud устройства в вашем аккаунте.
Заходите в ваш аккаунт с любого браузера и ждёте, пока мы начнем загружать данные. Начинаете отслеживать.
Track more with this offer!
30+ messengers and apps. Easy and quick tracking.
Почему uMobix?
Разумная цена
Get most out of spying! Receive more than 20 ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE features that will let you access a person’s phone fully. We’re the first to offer this amount of features for the average price.
Полный доступ к Фейсбуку и Инстаграму
No other app offers FULL ACCESS to a person’s Facebook or Instagram account!. uMobix is the first software that allows you to get into their Facebook and Instagram as if you’ve logged in to your own. NAVIGATE THERE FREELY. Just don’t leave traces!
Самая быстрая установка
It takes max. 10 minutes to install and set up uMobix. No jailbreak, no physical access to the device for iPhones! Get detailed instuctions and quick help if needed!
Качественная система клиентской поддержки 24/7
Whether the problem is a technical issue or the one that requires a more personalized touch, our customer support will strive to make it solved. Have any question already? Ping us in chat!