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Home Blog Parental Control What to Do If Your Kid Is Exposed to Pornography
What to Do If Your Kid Is Exposed to Pornography
Parental Control
Mar 16, 2023
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What to Do If Your Kid Is Exposed to Pornography

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In recent times, many parents have been plagued with one common problem, “my child is looking at inappropriate things online.” In today’s digital age, porn for kids is increasingly becoming popular. A report by AIFS shows that nearly half of the kids between the ages of 9-16 experience regular exposure to pornographic content. With this finding, many parents are left wondering what they should do if they discover their child is watching porn. 

This guide will help parents by providing some relevant tips on how to deal with the problem of their children viewing pornographic content online. 

What to Do When Your Child Watches Inappropriate Things

Are you worried that your child has been looking at inappropriate things online, such as porn for kids? If yes, worry less, as you can take steps to address the situation. Start by conversing with your kid about the content they’ve seen and why it’s inappropriate for their age. You must answer the question, “Сan kids watch porn?” which they might be reluctant to ask and warn them that exposure to porn at an early age can lead to distorted sexual ideas. You might also tell them how porn can perpetuate sexist views.

Suppose you’ve tried talking to your kid and still think they’ll not stop accessing pornographic content online. In that case, you should adopt a reliable third-party app such as parental control or a web filter. Internet blockers and parental controls such as uMobix are great ways to prevent porn for kids and ensure safety online. These tools can set up screen time limits and regularly monitor your child’s browsing history and streaming platform use.  

Finally, consider using an age-appropriate book about pornography or having open and honest conversations with your child about sex and physical contact. This can help answer their questions about sex and healthily address their sexual curiosity.

How to Educate Your Kids About Pornography on the Internet

Talking to your kids about pornographic content online can be uncomfortable, but it’s important. The following are some pointers on how to talk to kids about porn:

If You Caught Your Kid Watching Porn, Don’t Shame Them

If you catch your kid watching porn, it’s important not to shame them. Instead, approach the topic with empathy and understanding. Let them know that you understand that curiosity about sex is natural but that viewing pornography online is inappropriate for their age.

You can start the conversation by asking them what they were watching and how it made them feel. For example, you could start the conversation by saying, “You were obviously distracted by something on your phone. What was it, and how did it make you feel?” This approach will make it difficult for your child to deny the topic and feel more comfortable and willing to talk to you about the situation.

Talk About How Porn Is Unrealistic

Explain to your child that viewing pornography content on the internet can give skewed views about sex and relationships. It’s important to help them understand that the acts and behaviors portrayed in videos they watch on platforms like Pornhub and other explicit websites are often unrealistic and inaccurate representations of healthy sexual relationships.

This is best done by making them understand that the images and videos they see on the internet might not accurately represent what sex is really like. Real-life relationships involve respect, communication, and mutual consent. Encourage them to have realistic expectations about sex and to respect themselves and others. You can also use the opportunity to evaluate the damage that these videos have done to them by asking questions such as, “What do you think healthy sexual relationships should look like?”

Explain the Potential Dangers of Watching Porn

It is very important to have “birds and the bees” talk about the potential risks of viewing pornographic content online. Talk to your kids about the risks of addiction, the dangers of being exposed to such unrealistic ideas, and the significance of seeking help if they ever feel pressured to view such content.

You can also consider using an internet filter, porn blocker, or parental controls to limit your child’s access to inappropriate content online. You could ask them, “Do you know how to protect yourself from online threats?” This approach will create a conducive atmosphere where you will easily explain to your child the importance of online safety and privacy.

In other words, your duty as a parent is to teach your kid a positive and secure view of sexuality and internet safety. By having an open and honest discussion with them about pornography on the internet, you can help them navigate this complex and often confusing topic.

Tips to Help Parents Handle Porn Exposure in Kids

Here are some practical tips and insights that can help you protect your child’s well-being and protect them from developing a bad sexual nature online:

Delay Giving Kids Smartphones

One of the most important steps parents can take to protect their children from porn exposure is delaying giving them smartphones. Smartphones provide kids with unrestricted internet access and can make it easy for them to stumble upon explicit content accidentally. Instead of smartphones, consider getting your child a basic flip phone or feature phone with limited internet access until they are older and better equipped to handle the dangers of the internet.

Delaying giving your child a smartphone does not have to mean keeping them completely disconnected from technology. There are many age-appropriate devices and apps designed for children that are safe and engaging. For example, you could get them a tablet with pre-installed educational apps or games. You could also consider getting them a smartwatch that allows them to make calls and send messages to a limited list of contacts.

Implement the Right Parental Control Solution

Another important step parents can take to protect their children from porn exposure is implementing the right parental control solution. Parental controls allow you to block inappropriate websites, set screen time limits, and monitor your child’s online activity. There are many parental control solutions available, from web filters to porn blockers, that can help keep your child safe online.

When choosing a parental control solution, it is important to consider your child’s age and level of online maturity. Consider a more restrictive solution for younger children that blocks access to all adult content. For older children, you may want to consider a more flexible solution that allows you to monitor their online activity and discuss their views.

Get Help If Needed. You Might Not Have All of the Answers

Seek professional assistance if you discover your kid has been exposed to pornography or is addicted. Children’s mental and emotional health can be negatively impacted by exposure to pornography, making it urgent to handle the problem.

There are many resources available to parents who need help with handling porn exposure in their children. A family counselor or a counselor with expertise in sex addiction would be good resources. Alternatively, you could join a local parent support group or an online forum where parents can talk to and learn from one another’s mistakes.

In addition, it is important to talk to your kid about the content they have been exposed to and help them understand why such content is harmful. You could ask them questions about their online experiences and listen to their concerns. Protect your child from the negative effects of pornography by having an open dialogue with them and getting them assistance if they need it.

Final Words

In conclusion, discovering that your offspring is watching porn can be a difficult and uncomfortable situation for any parent. However, it is highly recommended that you approach the issue with understanding and empathy. Also, you must take steps to guarantee the security and well-being of your child by setting up parental controls, such as uMobix.

uMobix is a parental control software that helps parents protect their children from accessing pornographic content online. It offers web filtering, keyword alert, app monitoring, location tracking, and screen time management features. It allows parents to monitor and control their children’s online activities and block websites that promote porn for kids.


If your kid suddenly becomes more guarded about their phone or computer use, this could be a red flag that they are watching pornographic content. Also, they might use foul words or engage in inappropriate behavior.

Watching porn can have a range of consequences, from decreased self-esteem and distorted views of sex to potential addiction, obsession with sexting and nudity, and difficulty forming healthy relationships.

You can take several steps to protect your kids from pornography, including using parental control software to block websites that promote porn for kids, setting up an internet filter on Google search and other search engines, having open and honest conversations with your child, and teaching healthy attitudes and behaviors towards sex and relationships.

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