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Online Safety

Learn how to block restricted calls in uMobix article
Online Safety
How to Block Restricted Calls on iPhone and Android

Are you tired of seeing “No Caller ID,” “Unknown,” or “Restricted” on your phone when receiving calls? The worst part is that you can’t even call them back. Often, these calls are from malicious individuals looking to invade your privacy, waste your time, and potentially exploit your personal information. So, how should you act, and…

Is Roblox safe for kids?
Online Safety
Is Roblox Safe for Kids? Hidden Dangers

The concept of games dates back to ancient times (3000 BC) when no toilet paper was invented yet, and alcohol was safer to drink than water due to the dirtiness of the latter. There were not many types of games, but their main aim was to unite people and provide them with a leisure option…

Is Among Us Safe for Kids
Online Safety
Is Among Us Safe for Kids

Among Us is a game that rocked the internet in 2018 when it was released. It is still a very popular social game that has united hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. However, people who are not really into the games still wonder what was and what is so special about it…

Online chat rooms
Online Safety
Parent’s Guide to Online Chat Rooms

Let’s face it: the internet can provide a whole universe of different ways to stay occupied for the longest periods of time. There is, however, a big difference between watching a funny YouTube show and chatting online with a stranger in a public space. After all, everyone hopes to find a new friend somehow, but…

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