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Mar 20, 2024
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Everything You Need to Know About Body Count

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Quick answer: “Body count” mean how many people someone has slept with.

New things and phrases appear in our lives almost on a daily basis as humanity develops, young people invent new things and phrases and introduce them to our language. Such words are called slang, and it is impossible to get rid of them, as they are just the natural way for our language to develop.

One such phrase that young people widely use in their chats is “body count”. Before we dive deeper into the topic and find out what it means, do you have any guesses?

Body Count Definition

Body count meaning has nothing in common with the number of people one has killed (oh my gosh!) or found. So, what is a body count? What people mean by this phrase in online chats is the number of people they have slept with. It might seem weird to people who are busy with their jobs, kids, health, and trying to find at least a couple of minutes per day for their hobbies, but it is modern generation Z (or X, or Y, whatever), who knows what they have on their mind.

Do Men and Women Have the Same Attitude to Body Counting?

Although the body count meaning for men and women is totally the same, the attitudes representatives of these two genders have regarding this question often vary. Moreover, there are two different criteria for valuing this number.

  1. Discussing body count with friends. When people chat with their friends and mates and come to the body count discussion, the attitude is usually different depending on whether the company is male or female. Men love boasting about the number of girls/women they have had sex with. Women, on the other hand, often stigmatize those who have many sexual partners and value chastity.
  2. Considering someone for future relationships. If a man considers a woman for future relationships, high body counts are almost never considered a plus. They do not care about their potential partner’s experience and want her to be as innocent as possible. For women, it is vice versa. The bigger number of people their potential partner has slept with, the more sexually attractive and mature he is.

You must understand, though, that there is no guide on how many people a person should have sexual contact with during their life. Everyone has an individual story and unique character, so how many people they have slept with does not mean they are a good or a bad person, it actually does not mean anything. Well, unless they were increasing their body count while being in a relationship themselves or sleeping with people in the relationships. In this case, it is better to avoid such personalities.

Do You Need to Consider Body Count Before Dating Someone?

Many people underestimate or understand the body count meaning wrong. People often associate this number directly with how good or bad a person is; in fact, it makes no sense. Instead of judging someone based on their high or low body count, use this information to understand this person better and decide whether you fit each other in the sexual plan. There are many points to consider.

  • Sexual activity: if an asexual person starts dating, for example, an extremely sexually active one – they will have problems. It is better to build relationships with someone of the same sexual temperament. It is totally normal if you want to have sex only once a month, so find a partner with a low body count; the probability that he also does not need a lot is high.
  • Health and safety: if you are only about to start a serious relationship with someone who has had a lot of partners, you may want to ask them to see a doctor first and have a test for STDs.
  • Sexual preferences: If your partner has high body counts, they might be interested in a threesome, swingers, etc. Consider this, and if you are from another team – inform them about this at the beginning of your relationship.

Of course, it may be hard for some people to discuss such “vulgar” topics with others, but you kill two birds with one stone if you do this: make your partner aware of your sexual preferences and express your expectations from this relationship. You make another person aware of what you need and don’t need, and they can decide if it is something they look for.

How to Track Your Children Using This Slang?

You may wonder why you need to know if your children use this slang and what it means if they do. Well, first of all, even if you had to check it in the dictionary of modern language, they most probably already know what body count is. If you notice your child using this phrase, it may testify about several things:

  • they have already had sex, and most probably, not even once;
  • they consume pornographic and adult content;
  • they got into the company and environment where people know what a body count is and believe it is normal to discuss it.

No matter if only 1 of these versions is true for your child or all 3, you would want to know if something like this happens. Here are the options what you can do.

  1. Use a Mobile Phone Tracker 

Children often use their cell phones to access social networks and chat there. According to research by Statista, the number of mobile phone owners and users increases every year, and it is even common nowadays for young people not to have a laptop or PC, and their mobile phones can substitute for everything.

Thus, chances are that your child chats with their friends via mobile phone, and if you install a mobile tracker, say, uMobix, on their device – you will be informed about everything. uMobix will allow you to see all their messages, access the call logs and browsing history, and even track their location if needed.

The greatest thing about uMobix is its keylogger, which allows you to view keyword notifications; whenever a word from this list is typed by the device owner (for instance, if your child types “high body count” or “have sex”) in any chat or messenger – you will be informed.

uMobix works on iOS and Android, and its price is the same for both:

  • 1-month plan for $44.99;
  • 3-month plan for $26.99/m;
  • 12-month plan for $11.24/m.

If you need to try the app first to decide if you like it – contact the customer support agent to activate a free 48-hour trial. See that you like it? Do not hesitate to subscribe!

  1. Establish Gadget Control

Limit the time your children can use their gadgets. If you are sure they know what people who use body count mean – they probably got in too adult company for them, and you need to take their life under control. Meet your child after school, and set time limits for gadget use, for instance, two hours per day – 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening, and monitor all their activity.

However, think about this: maybe your child is already adult enough to know the body count definition and use this phrase online and in real life consciously. Parents tend to take their children as little kids no matter how old they are.

  1. Become Their Online Friend Yourself

Create a fake page on social networks, get into your child’s friend list, and make them add you to every chat they have. Become online friends with their friends. Take part in their conversations and be informed in real-time if the body count meaning or the phrase itself appears anywhere.

Bottom Line

There is nothing bad about what body count means. Unfortunately, people nowadays refer to it as a marker showing one’s level of sexual activity. It has already been proven that people can have different levels of sexual activity: some may need sex all the time and, as a consequence, change partners more often; others may only need it once a month.

It is important to know the body count meaning in modern realia, of course, and track if your underaged children are into communication about it. But even here, they may hear about it in a film or on the internet; building an informational fence around them is impossible. Your best choice is to monitor their communication via a parental control app and intrude only in a critical situation.


If a woman has a high body count (usually it is 3 or more) which is discussed in a female environment, it would mean that she is faithful and reliable and has slutty obliquities in the eyes of other women.

A man's high body count often displays how experienced they are and that they are attractive to many other women. It usually increases this man's sexuality in the eyes of one particular woman and may lead to a further increase in their body count.
In a male environment, it is often something they can also boast of. If, at any event, you see a group of several men actively discussing something, they may easily be talking about their body counts. An individual with a body count lower than 10 is often viewed as an apprentice, and gets a lot of recommendations on how to increase it from others.

If this person has never cheated on their partners, they may be good for you, so why not? It all depends on your temperament: if a person has a high body count – they have high sexual activity; if you lean more toward asexuality in the current period of your life, then you better find another partner. But if you love sex to the same extent – why not? You may have a crazy time together.

There are two main ways – you tell them yourself, or they track your mobile device. Basically, there are no reasons at all to play this hide-and-seek game and make a mystery of your body count. If you are in a serious relationship – better inform your partner about your sexual temperament first so that they are aware of it.

It is totally personal, for some people, it matters, for others – don't. As for us, informing a person you are in a serious relationship about your body count is reasonable in the beginning to understand if you are of the same sexual temperament, if you are on the same level of understanding your current relationship, and if there is any sense to continue it. For instance, if a person with a high body count dates someone with a low one – they might have problems as one of them will be sexually unsatisfied and may start looking for adultery.

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