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Home Blog Tips Discord Parental Controls App: What Parents Need to Know
Discord Parental Control
Apr 11, 2022
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Discord Parental Controls App: What Parents Need to Know

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Discord app is a game app that allows users to interact seamlessly. It has a large followers base that rivals snap chat and falls short of Instagram by a few hundred million. It was initially created to allow gamers to talk while playing. It has since morphed into an avenue for diverse individuals to chat and hold specific subject-related discussions. Discord has a blend of low-key design albeit high-tech features. 

Discord parental controls can be quite safe or otherwise, depending on the kids’ level of exposure to the app. It allows for the creation of private and public groups, and a kid who is determined to find the dark side of the app might navigate consciously to achieve the aim. The risks attached to using Discord by kids might be tiny or huge, and this depends on the use case of the kids. 

The growth of Discord is owed in part to the fame of games such as Fortnite. Discord has a safety problem which is it’s been at the center of some kid-related atrocities. However, despite challenges, kids can use the app without contacting anyone outside their circle of friends and playing games, making it more secure. Implementing parental controls on Discord will help monitor your kids’ activities and better secure them.

What Is Discord?

Parental controls Discord is an app that allows users to chat, text, or make real-time video calls freely on their mobile and PC. The extension of its services from merely gaming by combining the internet calling features of Skype with discussion boards synonymous with Reddit has made its waves among users by transforming it from a gamers-only platform to a social networking site for communities of varying cultures and types. It also features viewing for TV series like anime and other well-liked social options like music and much more. It can also be implemented as a functional group chatting tool to be embraced by friends. 

Benefits of Discord

The multiple-use case of the Discord app has made it a beneficial tool for many users.

Custom Emojis

Emojis allow you to communicate effectively by incorporating the verbal cues that might be lost with mere chats. Parental controls Discord allows you to customize emojis for your brand to attract more users. 

Target Younger Generation 

The evolution of Discord has seen it break the barrier from merely a gamers-only interaction platform to an app that allows diverse groups to hold chats across various niches; writing, coding, fashion, and a host of other communities. The rise in the users of the Discord parental controls app could be easily attributed to the Gen Z population, who are the predominant age group on the app.


As a creator on Discord, you can set up an administrator who manages certain group chats. This allows you to create a degree of control over various users across the app usage. The Discord app allows you to work around different functionality that will benefit your organization. This option gives a good option for monitoring Discord usage for your kids.

Curtail Trolls

The moderation on Discord allows you to silence or delete chats from internet trolls. It is only natural to attract your fair share of internet trolls when you create a community forum on Discord. The moderating features avail you the opportunity to limit the interactions with disruptive chat members.

Discord Age Limit

The age limit for users on Discord is 13 years which is the same for almost all other social media apps. However, Discord doesn’t have the option that allows age verification implying that trods who do not meet the age requirements might still access the app and view contents that might be detrimental to the general psyche. It also has channels that require users to be at least 18 years to join, but this can be circumvented by simply clicking through the verification process. 

Features You Can Enable on Discord

Discord is very user-friendly and allows you to access different features on the platform. You can interact seamlessly with your friends, make video calls, and do other functions. It also allows parents to control the data their kids are exposed to by.

Blocking Explicit Content 

You can enable the feature to block off explicit content that kids are not meant to view. 

Blocking Unwanted Communication 

You may also block unwanted communication by limiting the friends kids can accept requests from, thus, reducing the communication from trollers or individuals who intend to seduce unsuspecting kids. 

Turning on Two-Factor Authentication 

The option of two-factor authentication allows you to confirm your signature each time using an OTP that might be linked to the parent device. This feature allows parents to monitor the number of times kids frequent the Discord parental controls app and successfully put some checks to curtail this. 

Things to Watch Out on Discord

Special Integration with Other Apps

Discord parental controls app has some built-in features that allow you to link it with other favorite apps seamlessly. It supports a variety of apps, including Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Xbox Live, Blizzard Entertainment, and Reddit. The integration of these apps is a function of multiple factors. However, they all allow you to sync data appropriately with your Discord app. 

Control Notifications on Discord

Discord allows you to monitor effectively and control the notifications from the app without losing in on vital data. It prevents clogging of your device but allows you to interface seamlessly.

Use Markdown on Discord

One of the tricks many people are aware of parental controls on Discord is the ability to Markdown. This lightweight markup language allows you to create rich text using a plain text editor amidst its other functionality. 

Overall, the discord app review is favorable due to its wide array of usage options. Discord review for parents is also good as parents can use tools to monitor their kids’ activities on the app. 

The Internet Safety Solution: Parental Controls for Discord

Parents must control the activities that their kids are exposed to on the internet to protect them from undue exposure to harmful information for as long as possible. To effectively implement this, you can use apps specially designed to limit or completely ward off harmful content from your kids when they come of age and can discern themselves. However, there are no specific parental control options on Discord, but parents can use certain control apps. Some of these parental controls that can be implemented on Discord are: 

Norton 360

The Norton 360 helps parents protect their kids from exposure to harmful information. Its features provide the best guide on monitoring Discord for your kids. Parents can secure their kids effectively by setting up certain log-on limits and other anti-malware settings. Through Norton 360, you can effectively monitor and track your kids’ activities on the internet.


The mSpy is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. It allows parents to view or rather monitor their kids’ activities on their devices. Parents can use mSpy to track their kids’ location and monitor messages received by the kids. It is also equipped to restrict access to certain websites or apps detrimental to your kid’s overall psyche. You can also remotely delete all data from the device if it falls into the wrong hands. 


The eyeZy is an effective monitoring app that gives parents the comfort of real-time alerts on any harmful content that their kids might be viewing on their devices. It is compatible with iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and other cell devices. It is a powerful social media monitoring tool while offering ample intelligence, so you don’t have to monitor your kid’s activities constantly.


Questudio is smart and allows parents visibility into the activities of their kids. It meets the needs of parents whose desire is to keep their kids safe online. It also features an option to enforce time to ensure that kids do not spend undue time on-screen despite neglecting their normal routines.

Discord app sage can be answered by implementing these control measures to protect your kids.


Discord parental controls app has been around for many years and has grown from a gamers-only app to a community discussion app. Its metamorphosis has made it more susceptible to infiltration by internet bullies or predators, which makes it pertinent that parents are aware of the use case of their kids to effectively monitor and protect them from the dark mature contents for as long as possible. Discord for teens and preteens should be properly monitored to protect kids from harmful content.


There is no straight answer to the question of "Is Discord app safe?" It could be yes or no, and it depends on the level of exposure of your kids to the app. If your child only engages known friends on the app, it could be considered relatively safe. However, the reverse is if your child joins up on a public community forum with explicit content or predators. You can look through the Discord reviews for parents and learn more real info. 

There is no straight answer to the question of "Is Discord app safe?" It could be yes or no, and it depends on the level of exposure of your kids to the app. If your child only engages known friends on the app, it could be considered relatively safe. However, the reverse is if your child joins up on a public community forum with explicit content or predators. You can look through the Discord reviews for parents and learn more real info.

Discord is compatible with virtually all devices. It would run seamlessly on Android, iOS, or PC, and you can get down and enjoy the numerous benefits it offers without any limitations from your choice of device.

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